
Ciorba with Meat Balls / Ciorba de perisoare

Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 60 minutes
Course: dinner


veal shank bone
fresh pork bones
2 large carrots, 1 onion
2 parsley roots
1 celery knob, 1 tomato
1 qt. sauerkraut juice
celery, leek, fennel, thyme
parsley, tarragon, dill
lovage, hot pepper seeds
1/2 lb. chopped veal
1/2 lb. chopped pork
1 egg plus 2 egg yolks
4 tbs. uncooked rice
1 cup sour cream
1 tbs. Hour
salt and pepper

Into a large pot (if you want to have enough ciorba for a few days or a week) put 3 quarts of cold water, add a veal shank bone and some fresh pork bone and bring to a boil. Now add 2 large carrots, cut in half lengthwise, 2 whole parsley roots, on large celery knob ut in half or a stalk of celery, one whole tomato and 2 sprigs of green parsley.
Cover and boil until vegetables are tender.
Now pour in one quart of sauerkraut juice and bring to a boil, cover and let stand, while you are preparing the meat balls as follows:
Mix 1/2 pound of veal and 1/2 pound of pork (not too fat nor too lean) chopped together with one whole egg, salt and pepper to taste, one tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley, one finely chopped small onion, a little thyme and 2 large tablespoonfuls of rice (well rinsed in cold water).
Mix very well all the ingredients with the hands. Form small balls the size of a walnut in the palms of your hands. Roll the meat balls in flour and let stand on the meat board. Strain the soup into another pot. (If it is too sour, add a little water. If you wish to make it more sour, add some sauerkraut juice).
Bring to a boil and add 2 more tablespoonfuls of rice Well-rinsed in cold water. Wait until the boiling starts again, then drop in the meat balls.
Add celery, leek, fennel, parsley, taragon and lovage (all coarsely chopped) and a few seeds from sharp pepper. Mix in a bowl one cup of sour cream, 2 egg yolks and one tablespoonful of flour, adding slowly cold water until you get a thin paste. Pour this paste into the ciorba, stirring constantly. Let boil slowly for 20 minutes.
Cover the pot and throw over the cover a large towel to preserve the exquisite bouquet. Serve hot with a tablespoonful of sour cream and sprinkle With chopped fresh green dill, tarragon or parsley.
On the side serve a small red or green sharp pepper. The ciorbas improve with time. They taste better the following day after being made, and even more so the third, fourth and even the fifth day.
The flavor keeps reacting and penetrating into ciorba ingredients, which explains this interesting phenomenon. Of course, you must keep the ciorba very tightly covered and in the refrigerator.
With a few slices of bread, a plateful of this ciorba makes a wholesome meal.
The vegetables and herbs used are a good source of minerals and vitamins, and tastiness creates a joy in eating, the healthful effects of which cannot be measured.


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